Canadian Horizontal Drilling Inc. (CHD) has an unwavering commitment to responsible operations everywhere we do business. This is embedded in our corporate culture and rigorously carried out through our Occupational Health, Safety and Environmental respective Management Systems. CHD is committed to maintaining a strong safety program as an integral part of our operations, to protect our employees, clients, the public any and all property, and the environment. The Safety Integrity Program and Environmental Integrity Program provide the framework for managing the daily Safety and the Environment component of our operation and each is more fully outlined under the "Integrity Program" component of our website Index.
The Safety Integrity Program underscores the unconditional commitment that CHD has made to workplace safety. Safety is vital to our company because of the high costs of accidents, and unsafe work practices. By protecting our employees, we are also protecting fellow workers, families, the public and the environments from the profound effect of serious accidents. CHD is also protecting our ability to continue doing business and employing people.
Employees at every level are responsible for maintaining the Company’s overall occupational health, safety, and related environmental programs. Management is responsible for identifying respective support needs, investigating hazardous conditions and accidents, providing training, supplying and /or wearing appropriate safety and personal protective equipment and ensuring adequate maintenance of all equipment in order to meet legislated safety standards. The Equipment Integrity Program is also more fully outlined under the Integrity Program component of our website Index.
In addition to the other Management responsibilities, it is the Health Policy of Canadian Horizontal Drilling Inc. to identify and evaluate health risks related to our operations that potentially could affect our employees, contractors or the public. As required CHD will implement programs and appropriate protective measures to control such risks, including appropriate monitoring of our potentially affected employees as required.
Participation, commitment and management systems are the key to successful Occupational Health, Safety and Environmental Programs at the World – class level which is the CHD company goal. This overview plus the supporting Integrity Programs demonstrate the high priority Canadian Horizontal has made to the persistent emphasis on the importance of this part of our business activities.